Hi everybody
If you want to see Coral W’s postings, you’ll have to click on the followers buttons (the faces) on the tumblr blog. I didn’t realise this, and it makes the blog a bit complicated, but worth it. However, here’s a link:-
Actually, you may have to log on to my actual blogging window (see the email that Jack sent on how to do this) so that you can post as well, as otherwise you won’t see the followers posts.
Coral W, thanks very much for your postings. I really liked what you wrote.
Note: March 2013. Here is a transcription of Coral Worth’s notes:-
the other coral – 6/7/07
First Acting and Technical Run Through – Performance Space IFSW
Most of the day spent with cast and crew getting to know each other and doing a detailed read through of the script.
The process was inclusive and collaborative and suggestions from cast and crew were encouraged and incorporated where appropriate.
By the end of the afternoon the actors performed what had been rehearsed and this was watched by most of the production staff and crew.
This was particularly good in light of the fact we were short a Hera, a Tiresias and several nymphs.
I took photos and video’ed the rehearsal.
the other coral – 5/5/07
Part of my role is to pick up directing skills from Coral H, be generally useful and also to document the film-making process.
I’m a recently graduated MA Film Student at IFSW.
I’ve been to 3 meetings so far which I’ll summarise here.
12/6/07 – Editing and Storyboard (1) Meeting. – Coral’s House.
Present Coral H, Coral W, Ed, Cirrrus and Nimal.
Discussions re: ensuring the coverage is cuttable and ensures continuity esp. sound. Remote video monitor requested and someone from editing team looking at rushes daily too.
Digibeta system not available at IFSW may need to look at alternatives, possibly go to Barcud Derwen or use Digi Sp.
Importance of continuity with different eye-lines etc. Coral W. to bring copies of continuity sheets used at ITV Wales.
Discussion re: practicality of having a 2nd camera unit.
Post-production now booked in for first few weeks September 07.
Storyboard – just first third of storyboard available for discussion at time. Difficulty of duality of Tiresias and ensuring eye-lines. Need to remember footage will show all 5 screens not individual ones. Can do cutaways on hands and eyes or remotes. Also question of reversals.
NB When Tiresias goes blind all other screens to go black. Need to see Tiresias going blind and reaction. Issues of gods at eye-level not above.
Research Pre-meeting – 2/7/07 IFSW – Coral and Coral
Coral H: Echo and narcissus about fetishism/voyeurism. A marxist dialectic. Research question –
How to best record the film making process in order to uncover new knowledge?
What is new knowledge in the process of film making not the product?
What methodologies can be used to show this?
Art Direction and Cinematography. 2/7/07 IFSW
Present Coral H and W., Ed. Humphrey, Ben.
Set some diary dates.
Tues 3rd Interiors and Green Screen test shoots. Also camera set-ups. Once footage shot taken then taken to post production to see results.
Discussion around how much green screen needed and how to set it on a frame. Approx 4 metres needed.
Wed 4th – Location recce – Merthyr Mawr.
Need to make final decision about pond. Alternative pond location at Bettws. need to liaise wit Don re: this.
Costumes: Difficult to get exact measurements for garments. Unlikely to be machine washable.
Fri 6th – Rehearsals 3pm Performance studio. IFSW.
Call sheets should be ready then.
Dymphna will do camera 2nd week.
Issue about baby jib and how it can be used on location.
2/7/07 Scheduling – – Ed’s House.
Present Coral H and W Ed. Scheduling completed.
4/7/07 – Location recce – Bettws pond and Merthyr Mawr
Present – Coral H and W, Luke, Humphrey.
Sites chosen for pond at Bettws. All other outside scenes at Merthyr.
Saw some very promising locations. Permission to be obtained from Bettws to film.
This is probably a good thing as logistics for getting quad bikes and drivers and creating a pond in Merthyr Mawr daunting.
the other coral – 5/7/07
hi everyone…
just introducing myself…i’m the other coral on the shoot. I’m the trainee director and I’ll be shadowing Coral H. and picking up some directing skills
I have added her photos to the galleries of location shots here and here.