Nimal is now recovering well, but needs to rest.
I’ve been trying to add chromakey to the edit, and I’ve now worked out the AVID, and it looks promising although it’s very flawed at the moment, and needs really doing on the original hi-def stock and by someone who knows what they are doing. The film’s been shown in its very early stage, to my second year students, who mostly really liked it – one was gripped, and many of the others could see it as an installation. They liked the performances, the settings and the cinematography. My mum and dad liked it too, so let’s hope it’s good.
I’m sorry the edit is going so slowly, and in the New Year, I’ll try to speed things up, whether that requires financial imput or input of another kind. I was hoping to get a crew screening and social done by Christmas, but that’s had to be put off due to Nimal’s illness. Let’s look to early in the New Year.
Humphry, Leonie, Brendan, Lynne and myself are all presenting a panel at a conference on film studies (the Meccsa conference) in Cardiff on 9th January, so that means that we’ll try to spread good news about the project and see whether we can drum up interest…
Happy Christmas and New Year All
Love Coral